Monday, April 29, 2013

I hope we get our deposit back.....

I hope we get our deposit back.....

When one lives in a tiny apartment (with their amazing, yet still a man so kinda messy, fiance), one starts to day dream of a much larger, beautiful mansion of a house to live in. It surely doesn't help that I literally spend hours every week browsing Pinterest....

Well, to suffice my need for home-upgrading, creative-output, or general-reconstruction/building things... I decided that I NEEDED stripes in our, one and only, tiny bathroom! 

And they look awesome! I had to share!
It was a simple process: 
1) get supplies- Painters tape and white paint.
2) measure. (I used a magazine because I'm a boss. Plus I don' need no stinkin' rulahs!)
3) make the stripes and PAINT!!

I think it really adds a lot to our little space and helps our generic apartment look a little more luxurious! But... I'm not exactly sure if we will be receiving our deposit back because of it.....

(I even left the skanky towel so that it would have a real "before" look)

Magazine measuring tool. Like a boss. 

I had to make sure and put tape where I would be painting the stripe...
Aaaaaaand drum roll please! Beautimus!